Monday, August 26, 2019

Media Project Reflection

My Media Project Poster
The most significant thing I learned during this project a successful, creativity strategy that I developed through trial and error. At first, I had no idea what I would be able to create for someone with a completes, C5 spinal cord injury with a cereal box as a material. I also had apprehensions that even if I did come up with something, it wouldn’t be client centered, or functional. With this perspective, had a very difficult time brain storming any ideas. I decided to take a break and come back with a new strategy. This time I analyzed the provided client profile carefully and tried to pick the most important and meaningful goal for the client. After this, I began thinking about what could be developed to facilitate this goal and how my assigned object could help facilitate this goal. I then began to imagine how I could make this client centered by relating to my client’s values and interests. By breaking things down into smaller steps, I was better able to use my creativity and not get as overwhelmed. I hope to use this concept in the future if I am ever feeling “stuck” while working on a project, or even while coming up with an intervention for a client as a future occupational therapist.
My Matching Music Sliding Board from Above

My Matching Music Sliding Board from the Side 
This project taught me that it can be challenging to come up with meaningful, therapeutic interventions for people with higher level spinal cord injuries. Because of this, I hope to seek more information about spinal cord injuries and successful interventions, so I can be a more equipped occupational therapist. I also learned that a splint can be used to keep the wrist in extension, which then allows for a universal cuff to used by people with completes, C5 spinal cord injuries in order to hold and use various utensils.
            Going forward, I believe I will be more aware of client’s interest and values, so that I can then incorporate them into the therapeutic process. I also think that I will better remember what deficits occur with what spinal cord lesion. Finally, I plan on utilizing the creative process I used for this assignment for
future projects and in future practice!

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