Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Pinky's Importance

Many might think the pinky is not very significant for everyday activities, however it contributes much more than one might think! The pinky, or fifth phalange, plays a significant role in being able to powerfully grip objects and for the ability to tightly close the hand. Thinking of the short story we read for class, the soldier’s daily routine could be impacted in several different ways, as well as the occupations surrounding the routine by the loss of his 5th phalange (pinky finger). For instance, when getting ready for the day the soldier might have difficulty firmly gripping his tooth brush. This is because all of the digits are involved in grasping. Another occupation that could be impacted from this could be exercising in order to be a fit, competent soldier– the loss of his finger would make it difficult to have the traditional power grip on dumbbells and on the pull-up bar. With each digit there is increased hand mobility, which results in greater hand closure and a firmer grip.  Considering this, it is likely that the dumbbells the soldier would be using could slip out of his hand, especially with increased weight, and that his grip on the pull up bar could slip, too. Another instance that could be influenced by this injury at the gym is holding and drinking from his canteen; this would be a cylindrical grip with deficits in power and keeping the hand tightly around the canteen.
            Reviewing the soldier’s occupation of exercising in order to stay fit to be a soldier, there is a few modifications that come to mind. I would recommend that the soldier use a pull up bar and dumbbells that have a bumpy texture that would improve his ability to grip and not slip. Also, using something like chalk powered on his palms could help his grip, too. Finally, he could wear workout gloves that have a tacky texture that would prevent his hands from sliding! All of these modifications would help the soldier regain his independence at the gym, since he would be able to participate in his previous workout routines!  


  1. Elizabeth- working out as a soldier would be a huge occupation! I didn't even think of that! I think using a grip on the bar and on his hands is a great idea to make sure he is safe and can work out independently! Soldiers need to be fit to fulfill their roles and this is a great occupation to modify!

  2. Elizabeth,
    I really enjoyed reading the modifications you came up with that would allow him to perform the occupation of exercising. As a soldier, exercising would be an important part of his daily routine that wouldn't need to be missed. Your modifications would allow him to perform more efficiently!! Great thinking :)

  3. I love your decision on focusing on the soldier and how it would affect his occupation. Your modifications for allowing his independence during a pull up or dumbbell was so creative! I loved the idea of a bumpy texture to allow a more secure grip.

  4. Elizabeth, I really liked the many different modifications that you chose for the soldier. They will allow him to have several options to choose what works best for him. Great job using a client centered approach!

  5. Elizabeth, I really enjoyed your blog post I had not even thought about the soldier wanting to stay fit and how the loss of his pinky would affect his dumbbell grasp! Those are some great modifications you came up with and great job thinking of the your client!

  6. Elizabeth, I really like all of the different modifications you discussed in helping the soldier be able to work out. Working out and being physically fit is an important part of his daily life and occupation. The gloves with the tacky substance on them were a great idea!

  7. Elizabeth, I like the idea of adding texture to help prevent slipping. With your intervention the soldier would still be able to exercise while only making slight modifications which would allow him to continue exercising with other soldiers.


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